About Me

We are three friends looking for the perfect well being. We are all married with children and work full time but have many different things going on in our lives and different paths on our health journeys.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What's so Ordinary?

I know, I know I should post more often. But what's it matter if no one is reading :)

So, Houston is still not completely back up after the Hurricane. 30% or so still don't have electric and many don't have water. We really missed this one! Big prayers to those still suffering through this.

Many of us are back at work and school. Some schools are closed "until further notice". It's just awful. The pictures coming out are horrific!

Change of note: I'm down a total of 22 lbs now. None of my dress pants fit, they are all huge an look like clown pants. I do have some blouses that are fitting a lot better and my jackets fit alot better. That's the best part. My very dear husband made a comment about how he can touch his arms when he hugs me now :-)

I'm working on Week 5 of the Couch to 5K. I'm not confident that I'll be completely done with the program by November 1 but I'm hoping to be able to run 20 minutes at a time anyway. I'm able to do 2 8-minute runs now - that's 3/4 of a mile at a time. Not to bad, I think.

So, good luck to those in SE Harris County, Galveston County and surrounding areas that are still dealing with Ike!

Mom, if you're reading this! HI! And, I miss you like crazy!

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